Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mini Netbooks Are Great For Travel

This past fall linksys streamyx was able to take off internet services a few days to relax and I didn't take a computer with me on the trip. Its always nice to be able to get away from your normal routine but it seems to become more necessary to check emails and twitter to stay in touch with business and family no matter where you are. In my case some unexpected businesses messages were received that I didn't reply to as soon as I would have preferred. Its like they know that you're trying to have a little fun and want you to feel guilty about it.

When I returned I decided that I needed to find a small laptop make money on the internet netbook that wasn't a lot of trouble to travel with but was powerful enough kuala lampur hotel business. Smart phones are impressive but don't always but don't always provide all the resources you need.

Laptop and netbook computers have really made some amazing advances recently. They now have so much power, memory and flexibility that a number of my friends use them as their primary computer. In fact the next time I need to upgrade my desktop, I will probably choose a laptop that can manage all the accessories that I need.

These full size laptops are impressive for ease of use and flexibility but are not always the best choice for travel unless you are one of the gurus that needs a traveling office with all the bells and whistles. Unfortunately I'm not rich or famous (I don't care about the fame but rich would be a nice improvement). I do need to check messages and do some business applications when I travel, but I don't need or want to travel with a trunk full of equipment.

I did some research and learned how powerful the new mini laptops or netbooks had become and was really surprised at how affordable they are. After some digging I found the mini that offered all the options I needed for trips was the Acer Aspire One.

Not only are the Acer Aspire One models small and convenient for travel, they are also very powerful. Webcam, ethernet and WiFi are included on all the different models. There are a number of options and different models constantly being released to suit nearly any requirement you may have. Screen sizes vary from 8.9 to 11 inches and an ultra thin model has just been announced.

These mini netbooks are ideal for travel because they are much smaller than standard laptops and are very easy to pack and carry. They weigh around 3 pounds and are less than a foot wide, my Acer is 10x7 inches. Plus if they get damaged or stolen on your trip, they are much less expensive to replace.

Although the Acer Aspire One best suits my needs, these mini laptops are so popular nearly every major manufacturer is coming out with their own variation. So if you are loyal to just one brand, they probably also offer a mini. Just be sure to do the proper research to be certain you are getting the netbook that best meets your requirements. They are a great asset to keep you in touch without making your life more complicated than necessary.

I'm C.W. Moore and I try to find ways to make life as enjoyable as possible for those of us who can't just run off to our own deserted island. If you found this article helpful, you are welcome to get more details at

Summary: John Mills, Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer of Green Star Group, Ltd., an American manufacturer of earth friendly household products, addresses the serious effects of chemical pesticide use in and around schools. He suggests an alternative way to safely eliminate an ant problem without causing undue harm to students.While chemical pesticides are okay in certain instances, schools using them to treat ant infestations are needlessly putting students directly in harms way. When we send our children off to school in the morning, we like to believe were sending them to a safe environment for their higher learning. Nobody would think an ant problem in a school could have an impact on the health of their child, but sadly, chemical pesticides have been linked to serious illness and even death in school-aged children in the United States.Fire ants sting more children every year than all other insects combined, partly because ants are so fascinating for young children to watch. Although most children recover easily from stings, nobody wants to see their child bitten by an insect. However, when an ant infestation in a school is treated with chemicals, children are at much greater risk of becoming sick from the cure?than any insect sting. There are several reasons for this, including the following:?Children have a very rapid respiratory rate; they take in more air per unit of body weight than adults. Their organs are also still developing and are less able to filter out toxic chemicals. As an example, human lungs dont develop fully until the sixth to eighth year of life. This means young children are extremely vulnerable to harmful effects of pollutants and pesticides on their respiratory systems.?Pesticides can cause asthma as well as trigger asthma attacks in any child already suffering from the disease.?Pesticide exposure can cause shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, eye irritation and headaches in children.According to a study conducted in California, 87% of the 46 school districts polled used one or more of 27 very hazardous pesticides which can cause cancer, act as nerve toxins and may affect the reproductive system. In a heartbreaking compilation of five stories released by the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, an otherwise healthy young girl in California is believed to have died as a result of exposure to nerve-poisoning pesticides. While some instances of pest infestations require chemicals to control, schools are not the place for harsh insecticides. In this day and age, peanut butter isnt allowed on the playground, but toxic chemicals are still being sprayed around schools to get rid of pests.For an ant infestation in or around a school, natural ant bait is the ideal solution. A product containing boric acid will kill most types of ants including stinging red imported fire ants, yet it is less toxic to humans than regular table salt. An added benefit to using ant bait is that the poison is carried by workers back to the queen which eventually kills the entire colony.Manufactured by Green Star Group Ltd., langkawi Alberts Super Smart Ant Bait is made from boric acid and kills ants by disrupting their ability to digest food. Available in gel and liquid forms, this natural ant bait is safe to use in schools because it will not harm humans.